Fireside chat with Lisa Conway, VP of Global Market Sustainability at Interface

10. 9. 2024


Have you seen the movie Beyond Zero and have a lot of questions in your head that you'd like to ask the participants in the story?

This is the perfect opportunity!

The Global Enterpreneuers' Organization and MyEO Sustainability & Impact Group organize fireside chat with Lisa Conway, VP of Global Market Sustainability at Interface. The host and moderator of the event will be Tomáš Svoboda, CEO of SUSTAINOVA.

They will cover the following topics:

  • Remarkable journey towards achieving a "beyond zero" carbon footprint

  • The innovative concept of "Factory as a Forest"

  • Regenerative business practices

  • How Interface is last 10 years one of the Top Global Sustainability Leaders

..and many more!

Register to the event

(we will contact you back with the link to the event within 1 day)

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